Best Hairstyle No. 4

asaBrush Up Hairstyle. I call it best because when you brush your hair upwards it looks more fashionable and less effort when fixing it. try this hairstyle promise you, it’s one of the best.


“I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.”

-Pietro Arentino

By domarjosh24

Best Hairstyle No. 3

hairstyle 5

This is the hairstyle that I am Imitating or Using today =) Try It! I promise you will feel confident and you will look awesome.

Don’t live down to expectations.  Go out there and do something remarkable.  ~Wendy Wasserstein

By domarjosh24

Best Dress No. 2


New Style for debut or Formal wear. I assure you it can make you look good and different. =)

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” — Henry Ford

By domarjosh24

Best Dress No.1


This dress is one of my favorite. you can wear this in any gathering or occasion. simple meetings, events and debut. for debut you should change the jeans to black pants to make it look formal.

For any Questions, comments or Inquiry .. just comment or e-mail me :

You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.

Steve Jobs

By domarjosh24

Lee Min Ho Inspired Outfit

lee min ho         Meh

 Korean wowed the world with their awesome fashion in terms of hairstyle and outfit

If you don’t have the same dress like him just be artistic in your own little way. I use jacket instead of trench coat. I don’t have plain back shirt so I use black printed shirt. For the shoes, you can use black or brown colored shoes but be sure it should be low cut. =) I know this can help to boost your confidence with this Korean star style kind of dress=)

Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.

                                         –Samuel Johnson
By domarjosh24

Hi People ! Say Hello To Fashion =)

Welcome to my site. =)

If you want some help in boosting your confidence by means of Fashion and design? Don’t worry coz I’am here…

I will teach you many things.. From Different kinds of hairstyles, proper shoes and accessories to wear and many more.

I will post simple tips, advice, photographs and tutorials on how to boost your confidence.

If you have some questions and Inquiry Just e-mail me :

Have a great day and god bless!

By domarjosh24